Dept of Pharmaceutics, Valmik Naik College of Pharmacy, Telwadi Kannad Dist Chh. Sambhajinagar 431103
The use of plant based medicine has a long history in India. Only a small percentage of the many herbal medications available in India have undergone rigorous research to date. An evergreen shrub that grows throughout India, lantana camera is utilized in many traditional medicinal formulations and is widely known for curing a number of illnesses. Lantana camera is a member of the verbanaceae family around the past few decades, scientists and researchers from all around the world have thoroughly examined the chemical makeup of the entire L. Camera plant as well as its biological pharmacological properties. Various plant components are used to cure a variety of conditions, including colds, headaches, chickenpox, wounds, eye injuries, cancer, leprosy, skin itches, asthma, and arterial hypertension. According to research done in India, lantana leaves contain Antibacterial.
Camera Lantana Linn. belongs to the Verbenaceae family and is a beautiful flowering plant. L. Camera is most likely introduced in India prior to the 19th century. L. Camera is currently found all over India in areas with well-drained slopes and moderate to high summer rainfall. The plants can encroach on more desirable species by growing in dense thickets or clumps. Near about more than 50 countries, the primary weed Lantana camera comes in over 650 different varieties. The name lantana which comes from the Latin "lento," meaning "to bend," may have come from the genus Viburnum, to which it resembles somewhat in terms of leaves and flowers. The species is introduced to India from Sri Lanka in 1809. At the National Botanical Gardens in Calcutta, lantana is introduced to India in 1807 as a visually appealing shrub. Lantana camera is an ornamental plant that blooms. It is well recognized to treat a number of illnesses and is utilized in a number of traditional medical formulations. It is a significant source of several kinds of naturally occurring bioactive metabolites.Flowers have been used as pectorals for children since ancient times, and the plant's leaves and fruits can be applied topically to a variety of injuries, wounds, and skin conditions. For toothaches and gargles, stems and roots are used as a toothbrush. This article reviews the pharmacological, toxicological, analytical, and phytochemical properties of Lantana camera. There are over 150 different types of lantana camera in 50 different nations. This evergreen shrub is also known as lantana weed and wild sage. For many years, many lantana species have been used to cure medical conditions like eczema, ulcers, wounds, and tumors. The pharmacological characteristics of certain plant components, including anti-lymphocytic and immunosuppressive, hepatoprotective, antimotility, cytotoxic in vivo, and anti-filarial activity1, have been reported. There are between 200,000 and 500,000 different types of plants on Earth. Many medicinal plants are found in India. Lantana Camaralinn, a member of the verbenaceae family, is sometimes called wild or red sage. According to the literature review, plants like Berberisasistata have been treated with flavonoids, triterpenoids, tannins, and saponin chemicals.
Prostate euphorbia and album santlaum. Certain flavonoids have been identified as cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase antagonists. It has the ability to prevent platelets from doing their job. By forming chelates with metals, flavonoids have been demonstrated to prevent ascorbic acid oxidation, protect adrenaline by blocking o-methyl transferase, which maintains capillary tone, and prevent platelet aggregation2. The anti-inflammatory and anti-hemmorhoidal properties of lantana camera leaves have been established. In Ayurveda and Siddha, the plant Lantana Camera Linn (Verbenaceae) is used as a powerful remedy for a number of ailments.
Plant Biography-
Botanical Name:Lantana camara L.
Famil: Verbenaceae
Synonym: Camera vulgaris and Lantana scabrida
Common Names: It is frequently referred to as wild sage, lantana, and sleeper weed. The plant is found in many parts of the world, including Africa, the West Indies, Australia, It is frequently referred to as wild sage, lantana, and sleeper weed. The plant is found in many parts of the world, including Africa, the West Indies, Australia, New Zealand, Central and South America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Different linguistic variances result in different names for the plant.
Some of them are given below.
English: Common Lantana
Hindi: Raimuniya
Malayalam: Arippoo
Telugu: Pulikampal
Marathi: Tantani
Chemical constituents of lantana Camera:-
Flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, protein, catechin, phenol, saponin, steroids, anthraquinone, reducing sugar, and tri-terpenoids
Essential Oils:
Sabiene, ?-caryophyllene, ?-humulene, 1,8- cineole, and 8-hydroxy bicycle germacrene
Pharmacological studies:
L. camera is a significant member of the Verbenaceae family of medicinal plants. This plant has been found to have a number of therapeutic benefits recently.
About lantana camera:
Plant Form: Shrub
Ayurveda Description:
Sanskrit Name: Chaturangi, Vanacchedi
Rasa: Kashaya, Tikta; Guna; Guru; Virya: Sita
Therapeutic Uses- Plant pacifies vitiated condition of vataAndkaph
Morphology: -Growing between 1.2 and 2.4 meters (or even more), Lantana camera is a robust shrub that is low-erect or subscandent. Its recurved, robust prickles have a strong scent of black currents. It has a very robust root system. multibranched shrub that can grow in vines, thickets, or clumps
Stem- Tiny, recurved prickles are found on square stems. The stems and branches are angular in shape and arranged with curved spines along the edges.
Leaves- Opposing, brilliant green leaves with round, serrated margins that are around 6 cm long grow along the stem.
Flowers- Their diameter is approximately 2.5 cm, and their colors range from pale cream to yellow, white, pink, orange, red, lilac, and purple. Insects and butterflies fertilize the blooms.
Fruits- When ripe, the glossy, spherical, meaty, purplish-black fruits have a diameter of around 3 mm and range in color from blue to black.
History -The lantana camera is indigenous to Mexico. In 1809, it made its first appearance in India from Sri Lanka. Lantana has been a weed in Australia for about 160 years. In 1841, lantanas were brought to Australia as ornamental garden plants. They proliferated, escaped domestication, and were established in the wild in less than 20 years. It has spread to around 50 countries from its natural area, where it has become an invasive species. When Dutch explorers brought it to Europe and widely cultivated it there, it first left the Americas. The Portuguese brought it to Goa, and it swiftly spread throughout Asia and Oceania, where it gained a reputation as a poisonous plant.
Distribution-Lantana camera is a plant that grows all over the world. Africa, America, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, the United States, and New Zealand are among the more than 60 countries that have gotten it.
Habbit-Coastal regions, grasslands, riparian zones, shrub lands, urban areas, wet lands, natural woodlands, planted forests, and other istelands are among the places where it commonly occurs.
Life cycle-Germination and flowering occur throughout the year, but they are at their height after summer rainfall. It is possible to create thousands of seeds per square meter that will remain viable for several years. Research indicates that certain ornamental lantana varieties are capable of vegetative propagation and seed production. They can also cross-pollinate with wild forms, creating novel kinds that could someday find their way into the ecosystem. Additionally, they generate some viable pollen.
Preparation of plant extract-Making a Plant Extract To prevent chemical deterioration from sunshine, shade drying will carried out for nearly a month. Through the use of a grinder, the dried material is ground into a coarse powder. Lantana Camera is extracted using a microwave, then filtered, the surplus solvent is evaporated, and the dried extract is gathered and submitted to more research.
Preparation of Herbal Gel-One gramme of carbapol 934 is dissolved in fifty millilitres of distilled water, and the beaker is set aside to allow the carbapol 934 to swell for thirty minutes while being aggressively stirred to combine it into a gel. Heat a water bath to dissolve the necessary amounts of propyl paraben (0.2 ml) and methyl paraben (0.1 ml) in 5 ml of distilled water. After cooling the solution, 5 ml of propylene glycol is added. Additionally, 1 g of lantana camara leaf extract is added to the combination above, increasing the volume to 100milliliter by incorporating the leftover distilled water. After thoroughly mixing all of the ingredients into the carbapol 934 gel while stirring constantly, triethanolamine is added drop by drop to the formulation to correct the pH of the skin (6.8–7) and then to get the gel to the desired consistency.
Evaluation of Herbal Gel-
a.Physical Assesment- Physical characteristics including look and color is to examined.
b. Measurement of pH-pH of the gel will measured by using pH meter.
c. Spreadability-The spreadability is checked using the steel blocks. This method is used to measure spreadability based on the drug properties and slip of the gel placed on the ground slide as well as the extra gel (about 2 g) that is being analyzed. After that, the gel is sandwiched between the slides, and 200 g of weighted material is placed on top of two slides for five minutes to release air and create a consistent gel layer. Any extra gel is then scraped off the edges. It is necessary to record the time (in seconds) required to go 7.5 cm as indicated by the top slide.
c. Total fatty matter determination-
Procedure-The 200 ml. flask is filled with 2 g of gel sample and 20–25 ml. of 1:1 diluted HCL. The mixture is then boiled on a water bath until it turned transparent. After being drawn into a 250 ml. separating funnel, the sample (aqueous phase) is left to cool at room temperature. After that, 50 ml. of organic phase petroleum ether is added to the funnel, shaken, and allowed to separate. The phase of organic matter is gathered. The same amount of petroleum ether caused the aqueous layer above to divide twice. Together, the organic layers evaporated to produce residue, which is then cleaned with water. After filtering the residue, sodium sulfate is added. After filtering the combination once again and drying the extract, the content is ascertained (28).
Total fatty matter (%) by mass = 100×M1/M2;
M1 = mass of residue;
PM2 = mass of sample in gram
Method for Preparation of Gel Containing Extract [30] -
After dissolving 1 gm of carbapol 934 in 50 ml of distilled water, the beaker is set aside to allow the carbapol 934 to swell for 30 minutes. Stirring is then necessary to combine the carbapol 934 and form a gel. After dissolving the necessary amounts of methyl and propyl paraben in 5 milliliters of distilled water, they were heated in a water bath. After cooling the solution, propylene glycol 400 is added. The aforesaid combination is further combined with the necessary amount of Lantana camera leaf extract, and the remaining distilled water is added to get the volume up to 100 ml. Triethanolamine and constant stirring were used to ensure that all of the chemicals were well combined and added to the Carbapol 934 added to the mixture drop by drop in order to achieve the desired gel consistency and to modify the skin pH (6.8–7). The control sample is prepared using the same procedure, but no extract from Lantana camera leaves is added.
Application of Herbal Gel and Skin Irritation Study
Applying 0.5 gm of the herbal gel as the test ingredient to a 6 cm2 skin region and covering it with a gauze patch is done. After an hour of using a semi-occlusive dressing to keep the patch loosely in touch with the skin, the gauze is taken off. Remaining test substance is eliminated at the end of the exposure period, which is one hour, without affecting the epidermis's integrity or reaction. After the patch is removed, observations were made. The control animals were prepared similarly, and they were given 0.5 gm of the gel base—that is, gel created with all materials but the herbal mixture—and similar observations were made.The gel is applied to the skin once a day for 7 days and observed for any sensivity and the reaction if any is graded as33.
Properties of Lantana camera
The Verbenaceae family includes the perennial blooming plant Lantana camera. Its pharmacological characteristics have been thoroughly investigated, and it is indigenous to tropical areas. Important attributes consist of:
Antimicrobial activity of herbal gel-
The disc diffusion method is used to screen the produced formulations and control for antibacterial activity. It is evaluated against E. epidermis and S. aureus on nutritional medium. By measuring the reported zone of inhibition's diameter, the activity is ascertained. Test cultures were added to the plates, and they were then incubated. The plates loaded with the prepared mixtures the following day. The test assessed the product's effectiveness in terms of the organism's zone of inhibition following a 24-hour incubation period.
The herbal formulation of Lantana Camera extracts gel exhibits good physicochemical properties, according to the results of the current analysis. For extended lengths of time, herbal cosmetics are thought to be safe. Quality control tests must be conducted for these preparations because it is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of herbal cosmetic goods. Compared to cream and ointment, topical gel administration at pathological locations offers significant benefits in terms of a quicker release of a medicine straight to the site of action. These days, gels havebeen extensively employed as a medication delivery system for topical application. For further benefits, plant and herb extracts with particular therapeutic qualities might be added as active ingredients in this dose form. The topical gel's antibacterial study results showed antimicrobial effectiveness against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis. Additional research is required to confirm the role of each of these phytoconstituents on antibacterial activity, according to a study on the effects of formulated gels on bacterial strains. Thus, herbal gel has good antibacterial activity, according to our investigation.
Because they are thought to be safer and have fewer adverse effects than synthetic ones, natural therapies are more widely accepted. The need for herbal formulations is rising globally. This is an effort to create a herbal gel with extract from Lantana Camara leaves at different concentrations (2.5% and 5%). The research showed that the single herbal formulation with 2.5% Lantana Camara extract is superior to later formulations, but all of the formulations were non-irritating and did not cause any skin toxicity when given to rats every day for seven days
Ravindra Hanwate*, Sunil Sawale, Sneha Patekar, Sushmita Chavan, Nilesh Khairnar, Sanskruti Chavan, Ashwini Rathod, Pratiksha Bande, Review on Formulation of Herbal Gel Containing Extract of Lantana Camera Leave, Int. J. Sci. R. Tech., 2025, 2 (2), 50-54.