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The marketed shampoo is prepared with several chemicals which can cure all the hair problems but is also responsible for damaging of hairs. This shampoo has so many types of herbal source products. It helps hair to improve their quality, shine, thickening, growth, and strength of roots. The most advantageous thing about these herbal shampoo tablets is that they have no any side effects. Cleansing of hair and preventing the hair loss by using natural ingredients such as Shikakai, nagarmotha,reetha, brahmni,amla, etc. It also provides the conditioning and darkening of the hair. The herbal shampoo contains Amla, Reetha, Shikakai, Brahmi, Nagarmotha.


Amla, Reetha, Shikakai, Brahmi, Nagarmotha Powder, Herbal Shampoo, Hair growth.


The shampoo sector is probably the largest unit sale among the hair care products since shampoos are one of the cosmetic products used in daily life. Hair cosmetics are an important tool that helps to increase patient's adhesion to alopecia and scalp treatments. Shampoos are not only scalp cleaners, but indubitably act as preventing the hair shaft damage. Many scalp diseases are also treated by active ingredients that are added to the shampoo's formulations Numerous medicinal plants with possible benefits on hair have been used for centuries in shampoo formulations all worldwide These therapeutic herbs can be used as extracts, powders, crude forms, or derivatives. It is challenging to create a shampoo with only one natural ingredient that is safer and softer than synthetic shampoo. It must also include considerable foaming, detergency, and solid content, similar to synthetic shampoo. As a result, we gave careful thought to developing a pure natural cleanser employing a time-tested method and commonly used plant material for washing hair.

1. Amla: It consist of the dried fruit of the plant Embillica officinalis from the family Euphorbiaceae it nourishes the hair and helps for growth. It keeps the natural texture to the hair's and retained for a healthy shine and appearance. It controls hair loss. It contains fatty acids that moisturize the hair. Fatty acids penetrate through the scalp to remove dryness and dandruff. It contains the maximum amount of antioxidant properties which strengthen the roots of the hairs. It acts as a conditioner that gives hair a natural shine.

2. Reetha: It consist of dried fruits of Sapindus mukorossi belonging to family Sapindaceae. It has a foaming property that's why reetha is selected in the formulation of herbal shampoo for in the shampoo it is also used as a cleansing agent, keeps the scalp gentle and removes any all the scalps microorganism which are responsible for infection. It nourishes hair, keeps the hair healthy and smoothens also. It shines the hair and brings back nature's texture. It is also helpful for dandruff hence its identical aunty dandruff property also.

3. Shikakai: Obtained from Acacia concinna from the family Leguminosae. It keeps hair lustrous and healthy. It conditions and strengthens the hair. It reduces hair loss and adds volume to the hair. It is a powerful antidandruff agent.

4. Nagarmotha: Consist of ripen as well as dried fruits of Cyperus rotundus from the family Cyperaceae. It stimulates hair roots. It works on the sebaceous gland to promote new hair growth.

5. Brahmi: Belonging to the family Scrophulariaceae. It nourishes hair. It relieves the tension, stress and relaxes the nerves It also helps for better circulation in the scalp.


Name of Chemicals Used

            Name of Chemicals Used.png

Name of Equipment’s Used:

Electronic weighing balance (FHOENIX, Mumbai)

Turbula mixer (ALPHIE-3D)

Tablet compression machine c-GMP model (ADINATH INTERNATIONAL, Producer)

Digital stopwatch (Wolpin)


  1. Weigh 4 gm of all the required powder ingredients like Shikakai, Nagarmotha, Reetha and 1 gm of Brahmi and Amla on the other hand simultaneously weigh 0.5 gm SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) Cross povidone and triturate all the herbal ingredient by using mortar and pestle.
  2. After triturating the mixture mix it well by using Turbula mixer and weigh it for the compression into the appropriate tablets.
  3. The compress tablets are compressed by using the direct compression method by using 2.5 gm of Magnesium Stearate as a lubricant and the tablets are compressed directly from a powder blend of this natural ingredients which flows uniformly into a die cavity and forms a solid compact after that suitable tablets are obtained by adjusting the level of lower die and changing the concentration of SLS and CP and starting the machine and running the machine desired speed to get good quality and texturized tablets.



To evaluate the prepared formulations quality control tests including visual assessment and physicochemical controls such as pH and viscosity were performed. Also to assure the quality of products, specific tests for shampoo formulations.

The results were compared with marketed formulations.

Physical appearance / visual assessment

The formulations prepared were evaluated in terms of their clarity, foam producing ability.



Determination of pH:

The pH of shampoo tablet in distilled water was determined at room temperature by using pH paper. The pH of Shampoo tablet is 6.

Surface tension measurement:

The prepared shampoo in distilled water (10% w/v) was evaluated for surface tension using stalagmometer in room temperature.

Wetting Time:

Wetting time was also calculated by noting the time which is required by the canvas paper to sink completely. The canvas paper weighing 0.44 g was cut into a disc of diameter measuring 1- inch Over the shampoo (1% v/v) surface, the canvas paper disc was kept and the time is taken for the paper to sink was measured using the stopwatch.

The wetting time of this formulated Shampoo was found to be 1 minutes.

Foam stability test:

            Foam stability test.jpg

The stability of the foam is determined. About (1%) solution was taken into the test tube shaken for 10 times vigorously and the foam stability was measured by recording the foam volume of shake test after 1 min and 4 min, respectively and total foam volume was measured after 1 min and shaking the shampoo tablet then compared with standard shampoo.

Dirt dispersion test-

            Dirt dispersion test.jpg

Two drops of shampoo added in the test tube to create a volume upto 10 mL and in that 1 drop of Indian ink is added and shake it at least 10 times. The amount of ink in the foam was meticulously measured.

Wetting time:

Wetting time is calculated by noting the time required by the CP to sink completely the CP  was cut into 1-inch diameter discs having an average weight of 0.44 g. The 1% v/v solution of shampoo is placed on that smooth surface of the disc and in otherside stopwatch was started.

The time required for the disc to begin to sink was noted as wetting time finally.

Skin irritation test:

Apply the solution of prepared shampoo on skin and kept it for 5 minutes and observed for redness of skin and irritation there, were no any red colouration and the irritation to the skin.

Viscosity: By using the Ostwald viscometer viscosity was also determined.

Visual assessment: The color, clarity, odor, and froth content of this prepared formulation was assessed.


The research is shows that this formulation containing ingredients have wide variety of acceptance in herbal formulation The formulated shampoo is not only safer than the chemical and some conditioning agent but also greatly reduced the hair loss during combining as well as strengthens the hair growth. The pH of shampoo was adjusted. The physicochemical approach used for preservation of the formulation to avoid risk posed by chemical preservative herbal Shampoo.


  1. Kwabena of ori- kwakye, Frederic oseiyeboah, Samual Lugrie Kipo 'formulation and Quality Evaluation of tablet formulation (uniformity of weight) volume 4, Issue 1, September-October 2010; article 017.
  2. Priya D. Gaikwad, Kamini V. Mulay2, Madhave D. Borade, Formulation and Evaluation of herbal shampoo' International journal of science and Research (IJSR);2018
  3. A. N. Kaila, Textbook of industrial Pharmacognosy, CBS publishers and distributers, New Delhi :268.
  4. B. M. Mithal and R. N. Saha, Handbook of cosmetics, first edition, Vallabh Prakashan 2003: 1-10,110-121.
  5. C. K. Kokate, A. P. Purohit, S. B. Gokhle, Pharmacognosy, Morality Prakashan, 49th edition.
  6. Mrs. K.Sravanthi, N, Kavitha, K.Sowmya, S.Naazneen, U. Vaishnavi, CH. Anil (Hair Anatomy) International journal of pharmaceutical research and Applications Vol.6,2021.
  7. Revansiddappa M, Sharadha R, Abbulu K. Formulation and evaluation of herbal anti- dandruff shampoo. J Pharmacogn Phytochem. 2018.
  8. Simanchal panda, Associate professor Department of pharmaceutical Technology. formulation and Evaluation of Herbal powder shampoo, JETIR April 2018, volumes.
  9. Mithal B.M.&Saha R.N. "A Handbook of Cosmetic" VallabhPrakashan, New Delhi, First edition,
  10. Sharma P.P. "Cosmetics Formulation, Manufacturing and Quality Control", Vandan publications, New Belhi, 3, (1998)
  11. Miss Patil Shivani Navnath, prof. Shinde R.R2., 3Dr Hingane L.D., Formulation evaluation of Nagarmotha Hair Oil (Nagarmotha) International journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (URASET)
  12. Mohd Azam, Neha sodiyal, Sivanand patil A review on Evaluation of tablet, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (URES).
  13. Leon Lachman, Herbert A. Lieberman, Joseph L. Kanig: The hypothesis and Practice of Modern Drug store, Varghese distribution house, 3d release, 1990.
  14. Bhalla HL, Handa, A K. Improvement and Assessment of Controlled Delivery Tablets of BZ, Indian Medications, 36(2), 1999.
  15. Vineetha K, Vindhya VS, Vishranth MB, Yashasvi, Shyam Surender Sain, Herbal Shampoo; Benefits, preparation and evaluation journal of xi an shiyou university, Natural Science edition.
  16. Pawan Maurya, Shashikant Maury, Piyush Yadav, Manoj Kumar Yadav, Suraj Maurya, Satyam Jaysawal A review article on herbal shampoo.
  17. Aghel N. Moghimipour B, Dana RA.. Formulation of a herbal shampoo using total saponins of Acanthophyllum squarrosum. Iran J Pharm Res. 2007.
  19. Utane R., Deo S and Itankar p. 'preparation of Herbal Shampoo by green method and their characterization' International Journal of Researches in Social Sciences and Information Studies Vol. V, march 2017.
  20. Miss. Waghmode Monika Vasant; Dr. Hingane L.D, Objectives of shampoo (IJRASET) volume 10 June 2022;
  21. Mrs. K. Sravanthi, N.Kavitha, K. Sowmya S. Naazneen, U. Vaishnavi, CH.Anil (Reetha) A Review on formulation and evaluation of herbal anti-dandruff shampoo (Reetha).
  22. (hair growth cycle)
  23. Suyog Sunil Bhagwat, physicochemical properties of herbal shampoo volume and Issue 9 September 2020.
  24. (Nagarmotha).


  1. Kwabena of ori- kwakye, Frederic oseiyeboah, Samual Lugrie Kipo 'formulation and Quality Evaluation of tablet formulation (uniformity of weight) volume 4, Issue 1, September-October 2010; article 017.
  2. Priya D. Gaikwad, Kamini V. Mulay2, Madhave D. Borade, Formulation and Evaluation of herbal shampoo' International journal of science and Research (IJSR);2018
  3. A. N. Kaila, Textbook of industrial Pharmacognosy, CBS publishers and distributers, New Delhi :268.
  4. B. M. Mithal and R. N. Saha, Handbook of cosmetics, first edition, Vallabh Prakashan 2003: 1-10,110-121.
  5. C. K. Kokate, A. P. Purohit, S. B. Gokhle, Pharmacognosy, Morality Prakashan, 49th edition.
  6. Mrs. K.Sravanthi, N, Kavitha, K.Sowmya, S.Naazneen, U. Vaishnavi, CH. Anil (Hair Anatomy) International journal of pharmaceutical research and Applications Vol.6,2021.
  7. Revansiddappa M, Sharadha R, Abbulu K. Formulation and evaluation of herbal anti- dandruff shampoo. J Pharmacogn Phytochem. 2018.
  8. Simanchal panda, Associate professor Department of pharmaceutical Technology. formulation and Evaluation of Herbal powder shampoo, JETIR April 2018, volumes.
  9. Mithal B.M.&Saha R.N. "A Handbook of Cosmetic" VallabhPrakashan, New Delhi, First edition,
  10. Sharma P.P. "Cosmetics Formulation, Manufacturing and Quality Control", Vandan publications, New Belhi, 3, (1998)
  11. Miss Patil Shivani Navnath, prof. Shinde R.R2., 3Dr Hingane L.D., Formulation evaluation of Nagarmotha Hair Oil (Nagarmotha) International journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (URASET)
  12. Mohd Azam, Neha sodiyal, Sivanand patil A review on Evaluation of tablet, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (URES).
  13. Leon Lachman, Herbert A. Lieberman, Joseph L. Kanig: The hypothesis and Practice of Modern Drug store, Varghese distribution house, 3d release, 1990.
  14. Bhalla HL, Handa, A K. Improvement and Assessment of Controlled Delivery Tablets of BZ, Indian Medications, 36(2), 1999.
  15. Vineetha K, Vindhya VS, Vishranth MB, Yashasvi, Shyam Surender Sain, Herbal Shampoo; Benefits, preparation and evaluation journal of xi an shiyou university, Natural Science edition.
  16. Pawan Maurya, Shashikant Maury, Piyush Yadav, Manoj Kumar Yadav, Suraj Maurya, Satyam Jaysawal A review article on herbal shampoo.
  17. Aghel N. Moghimipour B, Dana RA.. Formulation of a herbal shampoo using total saponins of Acanthophyllum squarrosum. Iran J Pharm Res. 2007.
  19. Utane R., Deo S and Itankar p. 'preparation of Herbal Shampoo by green method and their characterization' International Journal of Researches in Social Sciences and Information Studies Vol. V, march 2017.
  20. Miss. Waghmode Monika Vasant; Dr. Hingane L.D, Objectives of shampoo (IJRASET) volume 10 June 2022;
  21. Mrs. K. Sravanthi, N.Kavitha, K. Sowmya S. Naazneen, U. Vaishnavi, CH.Anil (Reetha) A Review on formulation and evaluation of herbal anti-dandruff shampoo (Reetha).
  22. (hair growth cycle)
  23. Suyog Sunil Bhagwat, physicochemical properties of herbal shampoo volume and Issue 9 September 2020.
  24. (Nagarmotha).

Durgesh S. Pagar
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacology, Royal College of pharmaceutical Education and Research. Malegaon (423205)

Nishigandha A. Tapkire

Department of Pharmacognosy, MVP's College of Pharmacy, Nashik.

Nikita S. Jadhav

Department of Pharmacognosy, MVP's College of Pharmacy, Nashik.

Varsha N. Kamble

Department of Pharmacology, Royal College of pharmaceutical Education and Research. Malegaon (423205)

Bhairavi B. Raut

Department of Pharmacology, Royal College of pharmaceutical Education and Research. Malegaon (423205)

Durgesh S. Pagar, Nishigandha A. Tapkire, Nikita S. Jadhav, Varsha N. Kamble, Bhairavi B. Raut, Formulation and Evaluation of Ayurvedic Shampoo Tablet by Using Herbal Ingredients, Int. J. Sci. R. Tech., 2024, 1(2) 33-36.

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