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  • An Overview Of The Holistic Approach Of Ayurveda In Immuno – modulation Through Rasayan and Vajikaran
  • 1,2MD Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur
    3Professor & HOD, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur 
    4Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur


In the present day scenario of pandemic; immunity against any infection had gained attention of everyone. Immunity plays an important role in maintaining sound mind and body health. There are many factors which can stimulate or suppress the immune system. Ayurveda (Indian traditional system of medicine) has a comprehensive aspect of immunity through Rasayana and Vajikaran which is a rejuvenation therapy. These therapies are been practiced in non-diseased and all age group individuals. It also increases a healthy person's mental and physical capability. Vyadhikshamatva as it is understood in Ayurveda has much wider implication than the term immunity used in modern medicine. The holistic approach of Rasayan and Vajikaran therapy aligns with Ayurveda's fundamental goal of maintaining equilibrium in the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of human health.


Rasayana, Vajikaran, Immunity, Ayurveda, Vyadhikshamatva


Long and healthy life is cherished by man since antiquity. In the present day scenario of pandemic; immunity against any infection had gained attention of everyone. Immunity plays an important role in maintaining sound mind and body health. There are many factors which can stimulate or suppress the immune system. According modern research our immunity is mainly conferred by lymphocytes – a type of white blood cell and antigens presenting cells. Major portion of lymphocytes are of B and T lymphocytes. Their action is triggered by various cytokines secreted by different factors in response to foreign bodies, disease causing agents, toxins etc. the production of these cytokines can generate an immune response1.According to Ayurveda immunity (Vyadhi Kshamatva)2 means the power of the body which decreases the damaging power of the disease and stops the genesis of the disease. Ayurveda has a comprehensive aspect of immunity through Rasayana and Vajikaran which is a rejuvenation therapy. These therapies are been practiced in non-diseased and all age group individuals and strengthen the immune system, promote vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. It also increases a healthy person's mental and physical capability3.In Ayurveda the concept of immunity starts from Garbhini Paricharya itself which is aiming at giving birth to excellent healthy child followed by Shishu Paricharya (new born care) to enhance the immunity of the child. Then the various regimens like Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritt, following dietic guidelines like Pathya Apathya, Rasayana and Panchakarma therapies etc. which play a vital role in immune modulation4.


The aims and objectives of Ayurveda are to maintain the well-being of a healthy person and to cure the diseases of the patients. Ayurveda a holistic approach of medical science is strongly emphasize on preventive and promotive aspects of health rather than curative.

  1. Exploring the Principles of Immunomodulation in Ayurveda – An insight into Ayurveda's holistic approach to understanding and supporting the immune system, emphasizing balance, harmony, and optimal bodily function.
  2. Analyzing the Role of Rasayana Therapy in Immunity Enhancement – A study of how Rasayana therapy rejuvenates the body, strengthens immunity, promotes longevity, and prevents disease through the nourishment of body tissues (Dhatus).
  3. Examining the Effects of Vajikaran Therapy on Vitality and Immune Strength – An exploration of how Vajikaran enhances reproductive health and vitality, contributing to improved immune resilience and overall physical well-being.
  4. Highlighting the Holistic Benefits of Rasayana and Vajikaran in Disease Prevention – An examination of how these therapies strengthen the body's resilience against diseases by optimizing physical, mental, and emotional health.


A review of the literature was carried out using Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, and hand search. Here, the term hand search refers to searching the articles from cross-references of the articles selected for paper. Articles from 1990 to 2024, published in English, and 15 articles are finally included in this paper, which exclusively focus on management of life style disorders through ayurveda. Ayurvedic references are extracted from classical texts.



Rasayana therapy, as highlighted in the review study, emphasizes promotive health benefits that include longevity, enhanced memory, intelligence, and resilience against illnesses. It is also associated with preserving youthfulness, improving skin tone and complexion, optimizing physical strength, and ensuring the vitality of sensory organs.Rasayana essentially means nutrition at all levels from macro to micro-cellular level. Ayurveda has listed a large number of Rasayana which protects from toxic substances and diseases. Naimithika Rasayana is a unique concept in Ayurveda which helps people suffering from communicable disease to promote vitality and to withstand devastating effects of these diseases.Vajikaran therapy is said to revitalize all the seven dhatus (body elements), therefore, restore equilibrium and health. Rasayan drugs acts inside the human body by modulating the neuro-endocrine-immune system. Vajikarana rasayana is special category of rasayan, which improve the reproductive system and enhance sexual function. They act on higher centre of the brain. Vajikarana also claims to have anti-stress, adaptogenic action, which help to alleviate anxiety associated with sexual desire and performance.Rasayana and Vajikaran therapies offer a holistic approach to disease prevention by enhancing physical, mental, and reproductive health. Rasayan properties shows anti-ageing effect on body tissues. The ever increased stress in day to day life had fasten the process of oxidation which in turn accelerate ageing process. Rasayan drugs lowers this stress levels and also has anti-oxidant properties and hence slows down the processes of ageing. Vajikarana therapy provides Yasha, Bala, Pushti and Shri to an individual. It increase the will power, intellect and memory in addition to promoting a healthy body.   


Rasayana and Vajikerana a therapeutic approach in Ayurveda, plays a pivotal role in rejuvenating and revitalizing the body's structural elements. According to Ayurvedic principles, the Rasadhatu's vitality influences the overall health of other Dhatus or tissues in the body. Rasayana is a specialized treatment infusing the fundamental aspect of the organs i.e. dhatus, agni and srotamsi, leading to overall improvement in the organism, which affords prevention of ageing, resistance against diseases, bodily strength and improvement in mental faculties.            The Vajikarana bestows contentment, nourishment, continuity of progeny and great happiness. The aim of Vajikaran is one should not aim just for having offspring but should have Subuhpraja i.e. healthy and strong offspring who are physically and mentally and prove to be good citizens. Ayurveda’s approach to immunomodulation and modern medicine's methods, such as vaccines and immunotherapy. Ayurveda emphasizes a preventative paradigm, focusing on building inherent body resilience and fortifying the immune system through natural means, while modern medicine largely adopts a curative paradigm, particularly through targeted interventions against specific pathogens. In Ayurveda, the concept of Vyadhi Kshamatva (immunity) is not solely about resisting specific diseases but about strengthening the body's overall capacity to withstand various stressors. This is achieved through therapies like Rasayana and Vajikaran. Ayurveda aims to maintain a continuous state of health that can naturally fend off infections and degenerative changes associated with aging. On the other hand, modern immunomodulation through vaccines and immunotherapy directly targets immune system components to achieve a specific outcome. Ayurveda’s holistic approach does not isolate single immune responses. Instead, it seeks to create a balanced, adaptable immune system that naturally resists a broad spectrum of pathogens and stressors. By nurturing physical, mental, and emotional well-being, Ayurvedic practices aim for long-term immunity and resilience. This distinction highlights Ayurveda's commitment to preventive health, emphasizing the cultivation of vitality and balanced bodily functions as a foundation for lasting immune strength.


The Rasayana and Vajikarana therapy promotes clear thinking, respectability, and brilliance, with a foundational goal of fostering personal growth and enhancing emotional resilience, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges with confidence and purpose. This holistic approach to wellness is aimed at sustaining and improving the quality of life by enhancing body cells and tissues. The holistic approach of Ayurveda through Rasayana and Vajikarana holds significant promise for immuno-modulation. Future research can deepen our understanding of these ancient practices, enabling their integration into modern healthcare and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals



  1. Murphy, K., Weaver, C., & Janeway, C. (2016). Janeway's Immunobiology. 9th edition. Garland Science. This comprehensive textbook covers the basic principles of immunology, including the roles of lymphocytes and cytokines.
  2. Ed. by Pt. Rajeswara Datta Sastri,PtSastri Kasinath & Chaturvedi Gorakhnatha,Caraka samhita of Agnivesa, Revised by Caraka and Dradhabal with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi commentary,Varanasi Chaukhambha Bharti Acedamy, Reprint 2009. Part 1st, SutraSthana, Chapter-11, Verse no. – 36, p.228
  3. Ed. by Sastri Pt. Rajeswara Datta, Pt.Sastri Kasinath & Chaturvedi Gorakhnatha,Caraka samhita of Agnivesa, Revised by Caraka and Dradhabal with elaborated vidyotini Hindi commentary,Varanasi,Chaukhambha Bharti Acedamy, Reprint 2009. Part 2nd,Chapter- 1,Prathama Paad Verse no-16
  4. R Nandini, A conceptual study of Immunomodulation through Ayurveda: A Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(11):79-83


  1. Murphy, K., Weaver, C., & Janeway, C. (2016). Janeway's Immunobiology. 9th edition. Garland Science. This comprehensive textbook covers the basic principles of immunology, including the roles of lymphocytes and cytokines.
  2. Ed. by Pt. Rajeswara Datta Sastri,PtSastri Kasinath & Chaturvedi Gorakhnatha,Caraka samhita of Agnivesa, Revised by Caraka and Dradhabal with elaborated Vidyotini Hindi commentary,Varanasi Chaukhambha Bharti Acedamy, Reprint 2009. Part 1st, SutraSthana, Chapter-11, Verse no. – 36, p.228
  3. Ed. by Sastri Pt. Rajeswara Datta, Pt.Sastri Kasinath & Chaturvedi Gorakhnatha,Caraka samhita of Agnivesa, Revised by Caraka and Dradhabal with elaborated vidyotini Hindi commentary,Varanasi,Chaukhambha Bharti Acedamy, Reprint 2009. Part 2nd,Chapter- 1,Prathama Paad Verse no-16
  4. R Nandini, A conceptual study of Immunomodulation through Ayurveda: A Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(11):79-83

Dr. Dharti
Corresponding author

MD Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur

Dr. Bhupendra kumar

MD Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur

Anita Sharma

Professor & HOD, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur

Dr. Dinesh Kumar kumawat

Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (DU), Jaipur

Dr. Dharti*, Dr. Bhupendra Kumar, Anita Sharma, Dr.Dinesh Kumar Kumawat, An Overview of The Holistic Approach of Ayurveda In Immuno – Modulation Through Rasayan And Vajikaran, Int. J. Sci. R. Tech., 2025, 2 (1), 324-326.

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